Porosity in aluminum alloy ingots is always distributed in the equiaxed grain region with a wide transition zone, and is always filled with gas. Under normal conditions, the very large porosity zone of the slab occurs within 30 mm of the skin layer of the wide face. The largest porosity zone of the ingot occurs in the center of the ingot and develops toward the edge as the height of the mold increases. The flow conditions have a great influence on the distribution of porosity, and may destroy the above-mentioned laws and cause very large porosity in local areas. According to the formation process and influencing factors of porosity, the way to prevent the porosity of aluminum alloy ingots is:
1. Reduce the gas content in the melt. The main points should be as follows:
(1) The furnace should be thoroughly baked after the furnace is large and medium repaired;
(2) Refining agents, casting tools, etc. should be thoroughly preheated and baked;
(3) Refining should be thorough;
(4) Prevent the melt from staying in the furnace for too long.
2. Reduce the size of the transition zone in the ingot.
1) Reduce the gas content in the melt. The main points should be as follows:
(1) The furnace should be thoroughly baked after the furnace is large and medium repaired;
(2) Refining agents, casting tools, etc. should be thoroughly preheated and baked;
(3) Refining should be thorough;
(4) Prevent the melt from staying in the furnace for too long.
2) Reduce the size of the transition zone in the ingot.
Aluminum alloy castings have incomparable advantages in processing other castings, such as beautiful appearance, light weight, etc., which make it widely favored by users, especially since the lightweight of automobiles, cast aluminum alloy castings have been widely used in the automobile industry application. >>>7kg Aluminum Ingot Casting Machine